Posted on 2/16/2018

With it being summer time a lot of people wash their cars at home. Well if you’re at home washing your car what kind of soap are you going to grab? Most people go in their kitchen and steal their dish soap. DO NOT wash a vehicle with dish soap. If it has been buffed and there is a glaze or any kind of protectant on it (i.e. any kind of wax or sealant.) it’s going to strip it because all of your dish detergents have a type of degreaser in them. So even though it suds up good and cleans really good it’s going to be that much harder to maintain, because it stripped all the wax off of it. You want all the random contaminants to stick to that wax, that way it washes off easily. If the wax is gone and the random contaminants get to the paint they can etch into and damage the paint. So by detailing your vehicle correctly washing it with a good soap and keeping a good coat of wax on it you can keep your veh ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2018

It is important in any season to replace your windshield wipers. If your wipers squeak, streak, or skip across your windshield or don’t completely make contact with the windshield as they go through the motion then the wipers are not cleaning your windshield correctly. The rubber will dry out due to age and use which can cause the rubber to crack and potentially scratch or gouge the windshield. More importantly, worn wipers will cause decreased visibility for the driver of the vehicle. Wiper blade replacement is a simple and inexpensive item that must be maintained. New wiper blades can make the hopping noise as well which could be caused by improper installation or even the quality of wiper blade (It is worth investing in a quality wiper blade if it can make the difference in getting home on a rainy night or not). Sometimes new wiper blades have silicon residue on them from them being molded. A q ... read more
Posted on 2/16/2018

Towing, or using one vehicle to move a disable second vehicle, is a common and useful service. It’s also one that’s much more complicated than it seems, requiring lots of vehicle and industry specific knowledge to ensure safe transport. If your car is broken down at the side of the road, chances are good that you do not have time to call around for referrals, but choosing the right auto shop or towing service is important in getting the job done well. That’s what makes knowing a few tips before you call so important. When it comes to towing services, what you know and do before the tow can save you a lot of hassle later. It’s always important to consider these tips: Know Your Situation Before you call the auto shop or towing service, collect as much information about the situation as possible and provide it to the service. Things like location, type of v ... read more