Posted on 9/30/2022

Whether you hear a squeal, click, knock, rattle, or groan, any unusual noise that your vehicle makes can be unsettling. Some of these sounds erupt for a reason: to warn you of a vehicle problem. When you hear an unusual noise, it is best to trust your gut and take your car to Auto Fitness for a thorough inspection. Below is a list of common car sounds and the kind of problems they translate to: 1. Loud Squealing This sound can be heard whenever you accelerate with a cold engine, and it can mean that you have a loose or damaged serpentine belt. Rubber belts under the hood can deteriorate over time, so it is wise to have them inspected as often as possible. You need to replace them before they break as they can cause bigger problems. 2. Knocking Engine knocking or pinging cannot go unmissed. It is one of the most common signs that indicate a problem with the combustion process. The popular explanations are usually missed oil changes, oil leaks, incorrect fuel, po ... read more