Posted on 4/22/2022

The Total Peace of Mind Vehicle Repair Warranty A nationwide vehicle repair warranty is just that! It's a written agreement you can use at authorized auto repair shops nationwide, no matter their locations, to fix any qualifying repairs free of charge. So when you will be traveling out of town, feel confident in the fact that any vehicle problems you might run into will not be a costly headache. Please don't get it confused, though. A nationwide vehicle repair warranty is not an extended warranty but is a valid warranty that your auto repair shop offers. You can use the contract at specific repair shops across the nation, where they will cover any repairs with quality parts and labor. The nationwide vehicle repair warranty typically is valid for 24 Months/24,000 miles of use. However, Auto Fitness has extended ours further than the average, as we will cover 36 months/36,000 miles. Never Worry About Your Car When You're on Holiday Again There is no greater peace of ... read more