Posted on 1/30/2023
Brake fluid, also referred to as hydraulic fluid, is a part of the brake system that is used every time you try to slow down or stop your car. In most vehicles, brakes cannot function properly without the presence of this fluid. Read on to learn more about how brake fluid works and how often you should have it serviced. Brake Fluid: What It Does The brake fluid takes the pressure applied on the brake pedal and converts it into pressure to the front and rear brakes of your car. The force goes through the cylinder, calipers, brake pads/shoes, and eventually drum/rotor to slow down the wheels’ rotations. The solution cannot be compressed and is designed to be resistant to intense pressure and high heat. How Often Should You Replace Brake Fluid? Brake fluid lasts longer than motor oil. However, it still requires regular inspections in case of contamination or leaks. Fortunately, you can easily check it by opening the hood of your car. The reservoir is almost always see-thr ... read more