So, you are enjoying a lovely morning drive when your car suddenly shakes and vibrates so hard when you hit 60 mph. Well, in most cases, your car tires are the main culprit. Here are some of the tire problems that might make your car shake when you ride at higher speeds.
Wheel Balance
When your car vibrates every time you drive at 50-70 mph, it is most likely that your wheels are out of balance. The vibrations will emanate from the steering wheel across the seat and through the vehicle's floor. A mechanical expert will measure your car wheel imbalance using a high-tech wheel balancer then help you correct it.
Wheel Alignment
Wheel misalignment could result from something as simple as bumping a curb. It is another major reason why your car would shake and vibrate when you drive over 60 mph. Fortunately, it is nothing your mechanic cannot handle. Drop by an auto repair shop and have them aligned to enjoy a safe, comfortable ride.
What About When My Car Shakes When Starting?
If your vehicle vibrates during starting, the problem might be emanating from the engine, say dirty filters or broken spark plugs. Also, remember to check the crankshaft damper while at it. Chances are it is not functioning correctly. Other causes of car vibrations are warped brake rotors or problems with the axle. If ignored, the vibration will get worse each day and might lead to more severe damages.
If your vehicle vibrates when accelerating, some most likely causes include a faulty braking system, imbalanced tires, a bent axle, or misfiring spark plugs. If the vibrations get even worse every time you accelerate, a bent axle is the main culprit. On the other hand, if you hear knocking sounds when you accelerate or decelerate, the problem might be with the u-joint.
While a shaking car does not always signify impending disaster, it points to one fact. You need to take your vehicle to a reliable mechanic as soon as possible. If you need car services, our professional mechanics are at your service. Contact us today and let us get you back on the road quickly and safely